

米歇尔. 威拉德
Chief Public Affairs Officer
(916) 287-9072


GSEC获得# nexttwest人才吸引活动金奖

Washington, DC – The 大萨克拉门托经济委员会 (GSEC)最近获得由 International Economic Development Council (IEDC).

GSEC won a Gold Rank for its successful #NextOutWest Campaign, “卓越官方十大网投网址数码媒体奖”的项目. 该荣誉于10月5日在IEDC年会上的颁奖典礼上颁发.

州首府领先的官方十大网投网址组织也因其在多媒体/视频推广项目类别中获得了铜奖 #NextOutWest Campaign video. In addition, 在IEDC的人才发展和保留类别中,它的数字技能提升计划获得了铜奖.

“我们很荣幸能够获得IEDC颁发的这些奖项,” Greater Sacramento Economic Council President & CEO Barry Broome said. “我们的团队由具有远见卓识的杰出领导者组成, 在各自的官方十大网投网址领域具有创造性和世界级水平. 这种认可是为了我们的员工,他们每天都在努力使大萨克拉门托成为全国领先的社区.”

GSEC针对在旧金山湾区科技公司远程工作的千禧一代推出了吸引人才的活动. 他们实施了整合的数字营销和公关策略,以促进大萨克拉门托地区 #NextOutWest to live, 并鼓励他们的观众重新想象他们工作和生活的地方——#RethinkRemote. 他们推出了一段两分钟的视频,播放了居住在大萨克拉门托、但在湾区公司远程工作的人才的推荐信,以及一个综合性的微型网站( detailing the many benefits of living in the region.

“IEDC卓越官方十大网投网址奖的获奖者代表了最好的官方十大网投网址,并体现了我们这个行业每天都在努力争取的领导力,2021年IEDC董事会主席兼投资布法罗尼亚加拉说, President, and CEO Tom Kucharski. “我们很荣幸地认可了100多个提交营销作品的社区, projects, 伙伴关系提高了地区生活质量.”

IEDC的官方十大网投网址卓越奖旨在表彰世界上最好的官方十大网投网址计划和伙伴关系, marketing materials, and the year’s most influential leaders. 25个奖项类别表彰在城市中创造积极变化的组织和个人, suburban, and rural communities. 奖项由一个由经济和社区开发人员组成的多元化小组评判, following a nomination process held earlier this year. IEDC received over 500 submissions from 4 countries.

IEDC非常荣幸地表彰获得今年优秀奖的杰出组织. This year, more than ever, has presented opportunities to innovate, impact, and progress the cities, neighborhoods, and communities around us. 今年的每一位获奖者都代表了官方十大网投网址专业的佼佼者,也体现了官方十大网投网址同行在未来几年所追求的智慧.

Learn more about the #NextOutWest campaign here:

Learn more about Digital Upskill Sacramento here: 



大萨克拉门托经济委员会是十大网投官方入口首都地区创新增长战略的催化剂. 该组织带头以社区为导向进行挽留, attract, grow, and scale tradable sectors, develop advanced industries, 并在六县地区创造就业机会和投资. 大萨克拉门托代表了地方政府和州政府之间的合作, market leaders, influencers, and stakeholders, 其唯一使命是推动包容性经济增长. 大萨克拉门托地区建立在发现的基础上, built on leadership, and fueled by innovation.


About the International Economic Development Council

国际官方十大网投网址十大网投官方入口(IEDC)是一个非营利组织, 服务于官方十大网投网址商的无党派会员组织. IEDC拥有5000多名成员,是同类组织中最大的. 官方十大网投网址商通过创造促进其社区的经济福祉和生活质量, retaining, and expanding jobs that facilitate growth, enhance wealth and provide a stable tax base. From public to private, rural to urban, and local to international, IEDC的成员从事各种官方十大网投网址经验. Given the breadth of economic development work, our members are employed in various settings, including local, state, provincial, and federal governments, public-private partnerships, chambers of commerce, universities, and a variety of other institutions. When we succeed, our members create high-quality jobs, develop vibrant communities, and improve the quality of life in their regions. Learn more at

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